Saturday, 9 November 2013

A Costume Designer passing the time in Los Angeles....

While my partner works here for three months, I have come out with our son until Christmas. 
While one is blowing up ships (acting in a TV series), and the other is at school, I've decided to do some research just for me. 

When you start a film, one of the best parts of the job is the research. And when you've started to work out the look that you want for the film, you have to decide how you're going to make it all come together. You might spend your prep on one film rummaging round markets one day, and then be in some high end department store the next. You might be in costume houses for a whole job, choosing costumes from stock and working with makers, sampling and buying new and old fabrics.  Often you might have to work abroad, and with the help of local assistants, find great makers, tailors, costume houses and shops. 

I'm not working on a film right now, but what I want to do is find some of the interesting people who work here. I was inspired by an actor I worked with last year, who lives here in LA, and loves clothes. He told me that he has his jeans made, his boots made, and that whenever he can get any of his own personal wardrobe tailor made for him, he will. I liked his style!

I know I'll barely scratch the surface of this very particular city, but for my own sanity, and general inquisitiveness, I'll see where my spare time takes me......

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